AWS IoT Rule Engine is great, but...

Seriously, why??? After all of those years, you trick me like that? What have I done to you, AWS IoT?

I think that the AWS IoT Rule Engine is great.
It enables serverless IoT backends.
I recommend it to my customers.
But it hates me in return.


I implemented a solution that receives temperature readings and stores them in Amazon Timestream. I deployed it using my trusted AWS IoT Rule Engine. Everything was fine until Timestream started complaining that:

Measure name already has an assigned measure value type. Each measure name can have only one measure value type and cannot be changed.

Ok, I thought, I will handle that using AWS IoT Rule SQL Function. I used the cast function, which “converts a value from one data type to another” - quote from AWS Docs.


Since Amazon Timestream kept complaining about input data, I investigated every single step - the device’s firmware, MQTT Payloads, IoT Rule Error Actions, CloudWatch, you name it.

I invested hours in it and made no progress.

Please reply to ( with your guesses about what helped me find the solution.


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