Hello everyone!
I published the “Introduction to IoT at AWS” training.
It is available as live virtual sessions and self-study materials.
During this training, you will learn:
- The fundamental principles of the Internet of Things (IoT),
- How to represent devices in the AWS IoT Core device registry,
- How to establish trust in a distributed IoT environment,
- How to use the Private Key and X.509 Certificate as proof of identity for devices,
- The basics of the MQTT protocol, the various connectivity options it provides, and the best practices in designing the MQTT Topic structure,
- How to ensure end-to-end message delivery in distributed IoT environment,
- The best practices for designing the MQTT Topics,
- Important limits of the AWS IoT Core service,
- … and many more IoT-related aspects!
You can find details at: https://www.thingrex.com/training/#introduction-to-iot-at-aws---part-1-connectivity
I hope that it will be interesting for you!
Any feedback is very welcome.