Have you ever considered the value of creating a Minimum Non-Viable Product (MNVP)?

Following best practices and the latest trends can catch you in technical perfection. I know that for a fact, as it happened to me and my customers.

One way to avoid that trap is to build imperfect solutions on purpose, with the sole drive of exploring/validating the real business potential.

What are the benefits of a Minimum Non-Viable Product?

🚀 Validate the Market Early: Test whether there’s genuine demand for your idea without technical feasibility constraints.
💡 Focus on Value Proposition: What truly matters to your customers and stakeholders?
⏱️ Save Time and Resources: Avoid investing in technical development and automation that may not yield a return if the market isn’t receptive.
📈 Strategic Pivoting: Gain insights that allow for agile shifts in direction based on market feedback.

By embracing the MNVP approach, you prioritize answering critical business questions:

✅ Does this concept solve a real problem?
✅ Are potential customers ready to pay for this solution?
✅ Is there a viable business model that you can build around this idea?

Technical challenges can and will be addressed over time, but it’s paramount to ensure a solid business foundation.

👉 What do you think about focusing on business potential through an MNVP? Have you applied this approach in your projects or startups? I’d love to hear your experiences and thoughts!

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