I am Lukasz Malinowski, the Internet of Things Advisor and Trainer.
I believe in quality.
I do not support "fake it before you make it".
I help companies design Internet of Things solutions and position them in the market.Mastodon

Can we use the same certificate for multiple connected devices?

Can we use the same certificate for multiple connected devices? I received that question during my last presentation. The short answer is: yes, we can. The long answer is: no, we should not! I explained my reasoning in this video. Feel free to message me with any IoT-related questions! Can we use the same certificate for multiple connected devices? I received that question during my last presentation. The short answer is: yes, we can.

AWS IoT Thing Type Attributes and Tags

The AWS IoT Thing Type is described using Attributes and Tags. I created a short video describing this topic. Sometimes people confuse Attributes and Tags of the Thing Type, so I decided to write how I use them. I use Attributes to describe the characteristics of connected devices. I typically use values like: firmware version hardware version vendor I use Tags to describe the characteristics of AWS infrastructure. I typically use values like:

Parallel MQTT sessions between a single Device and AWS IoT Core

Today I’ll write about the parallel MQTT sessions between a single Device and AWS IoT Core. I will also share an unexpected finding! To be honest, I am not sure if that is a bug or a feature of the AWS IoT Core. Introduction The AWS IoT Core message broker does not allow two clients with identical client ID to stay connected at the same time. After the second client connects, the MQTT Broker (part of the AWS IoT Core) closes the existing connection.

Introduction to IoT at AWS - part 2: Data ingestion

There are several ways devices can ingest data into the AWS cloud backend. Knowing available options enables choosing the right approach for a specific objective. Some use cases require sending frequent telemetry messages to AWS and storing them in the S3 Bucket. Putting every message independently to S3 would be very expensive due to the number of S3 API calls. Other scenarios demand transferring images or huge binary files from devices to AWS.

Starting the Internet of Things (IoT) journey

Starting the Internet of Things (IoT) journey might be intimidating. IoT is not a “single thing”, it is a blend of multiple technologies and concepts. I learned security, distributed system design, and other IoT-related topics the hard way. Often the wrong way. I made some painful mistakes during that process. It took me years to fully understand some concepts. I would like to help you kickstart your IoT journey in the simplest way possible.

"Introduction to IoT at AWS" training is available!

Hello everyone! I published the “Introduction to IoT at AWS” training. It is available as live virtual sessions and self-study materials. During this training, you will learn: The fundamental principles of the Internet of Things (IoT), How to represent devices in the AWS IoT Core device registry, How to establish trust in a distributed IoT environment, How to use the Private Key and X.509 Certificate as proof of identity for devices, The basics of the MQTT protocol, the various connectivity options it provides, and the best practices in designing the MQTT Topic structure, How to ensure end-to-end message delivery in distributed IoT environment, The best practices for designing the MQTT Topics, Important limits of the AWS IoT Core service, … and many more IoT-related aspects!