I am Lukasz Malinowski, the Internet of Things Advisor and Trainer.
I believe in quality.
I do not support "fake it before you make it".
I help companies design Internet of Things solutions and position them in the market.Mastodon

Standing in front of the crowd without feeling the pressure.

Public speaking is not my natural talent. When I decided to improve this skill, I did tons of research. I read about various advanced techniques to handle pressure. Unfortunately, nothing worked for me - I still felt nervous and struggled during presentations. A few months ago, I was invited to speak about IoT at some conference. The planned presentation should last only 12 minutes. That is when I realized that I have to prepare HOW I want to talk about the topic.

AWS User Groups Wroclaw presentation

I had an opportunity to speak at the AWS User Groups Wroclaw meeting. Surprisingly many people were interested in this topic (the IoT is a niche, not that popular specialty). I prepared an introduction to the Internet of Things domain covering: secure communication between physical and virtual worlds trust in distributed IoT ecosystem design and development of a sample IoT solution I explained and executed every step required to build the following system:

4Developers presentation

I had the privilege to speak at the 4Developers conference hosted at the National Stadium in Warsaw/Poland. I presented challenges in the automated management of IoT infrastructure and how to solve them. During my talk, I described the automated integration between connected Devices, Edge Gateways, and the Cloud. I covered various real-life challenges and ways to overcome them. My presentation received great feedback from those who were generous enough to provide it.

Removing an application managed by the AWS IoT Greengrass will disturb your operations!

Introduction AWS IoT Greengrass is a service that you install on local hardware to analyze data and act on it in real-time. One of Greengrass’s advantages is the ability to remotely manage local applications (called Components). It seems like a great solution for many Internet of Things challenges, but without understanding how it works… Greengrass service might disturb your operations! This is a deep-dive technical post, but the conclusion is the following:

Should we ask customers for feedback about our IoT service/product?

I am a huge fan of the iterative approach to building IoT products and services. I recommend leveraging the OTA (Over the Air) Firmware Upgrades to adjust deployed products to users’ needs. But how can we discover the needs of our users? Whenever I buy something online, I always get an email asking for feedback. Can you guess how many times I provided my opinion? Never. Yet, I expect that users of my IoT solutions would invest their private time to share their feedback with me.

Should we really perform those tasks? Maybe it is time to let machines take over...

Introduction I had the privilege to speak at the 4developers conference hosted at the National Stadium in Warsaw/Poland. LMtx at 4developers conference From the speaker’s room, I saw the grass preparation on the football field. The National Stadium is a modern facility, and I was shocked by what I saw. Three people were executing the following tasks: switching on/off lamps which provide extra light to the grass cutting the grass It does not make any sense to make people perform that simple tasks.