I am Lukasz Malinowski, the Internet of Things Advisor and Trainer.
I believe in quality.
I do not support "fake it before you make it".
I help companies design Internet of Things solutions and position them in the market.Mastodon

Buy vs. build mindset at Tesla

Disclaimer: I do not have any relation with Tesla. To write this post, I used publicly available information shared by Tesla (mainly from the 2023 Investor Day). This is my personal interpretation of those materials. Buy vs. build mindset Some time ago I created a pool on LinkedIn asking this question: Note: Buy vs. build is a very interesting topic for me. Personally, I am a huge fan of designing and building IoT solutions.

ThingRex.com - IoT Advisory and Training services

Starting ThingRex.com - IoT Advisory and Training services Hello everyone! I am happy to share that I am officially starting the ThingRex.com - IoT Advisory and Training services. I offer advisory calls to help C-level Executives, Company Owners, and Start-up Founders understand how to use IoT to drive business value and improve operations. My training offering focuses on providing education and guidance on the design and implementation of IoT-enabled services. I help individuals and teams develop practical IoT skills.

The state-of-the-art IoT implementation at Tesla

Disclaimer: I do not have any relation with Tesla. To write this post, I used publicly available information shared by Tesla (mainly from the 2023 Investor Day). This is my personal interpretation of those materials. Tesla 2023 Investor Day Recently I watched the Tesla 2023 Investor Day video on YouTube. It was a very interesting presentation on the world-class Industrial Internet of Things deployment. I noticed many insights that I would like to share with you.

Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2023 - VoD

I recorded a VoD for the Warsaw IT Days conference. In my video, I covered the general introduction to the Internet of Things and reviewed the AWS IoT Core service. I will share my presentation and code samples soon! Subscribe to my newsletter if you want to receive the notification.

IoT Thing does not represent an IoT Device connected to the AWS IoT Core.

I often say that the IoT Thing is a virtual representation of a physical device or logical entity (for instance, an application). Today, I want to be more specific than that. The IoT Thing stores the metadata describing the IoT Device. By metadata, I mean: Thing Name Thing Attributes Thing Type Thing Group Device Shadow But IoT Thing does not store the identity of a related IoT Device. The X.509 Certificate registered in the AWS IoT Core represents the connected IoT Device.

How can we trust the AWS IoT Core?

Introduction Today I will explain how connected devices can establish trust with the AWS IoT Core. To trust someone, we need to confirm their identity. The same is true in the ecosystem of connected devices. AWS IoT Core exposes an MQTT Broker so devices can establish the MQTT connectivity. What if some villain actor creates an MQTT Broker and tries to mislead devices? Is there a way to verify the real identity of the exposed endpoint?