I am Lukasz Malinowski, the Internet of Things Advisor and Trainer.
I believe in quality.
I do not support "fake it before you make it".
I help companies design Internet of Things solutions and position them in the market.Mastodon

The Architecture Review outcomes

The Architecture Review is a very tricky task not only because of the technical aspects. I find the Architecture Review challenging because of my expectations. When hired to do the Architecture Review, I should find some areas of improvement. I know that isn’t true, but my subconscious can not accept that. The Architecture Review is not about finding something - it is about reviewing the existing design. There are two outcomes of that review:

Gateway vs. Gateway-less Industrial IoT considerations

Introduction In this post, I will describe two approaches to the Industrial Internet of Things deployments and provide my perspective. Hopefully, it will help you choose the proper architecture for your specific case. Before we start, I will briefly define the Edge Gateway. Definition of the Edge Gateway Edge Gateway is a computer located inside a factory or some other facility. That computer is connected to the internal network and can communicate with local devices using industrial protocols.

AWS IoT Rules Engine overview

Introduction AWS IoT Rules Engine enables building serverless backends for Internet of Things applications. In the video below, I explain how the AWS IoT Rules Engine is organized. I show how it can be used to receive, process, enrich, and share messages from connected devices with other AWS services not integrated with IoT Core. Video Diagram AWS IoT Rules Engine overview

Hen farm, IoT, and unexpected inspiration

My friend wants to start breeding hens. He asked me if I know a solution to remotely open and close a chicken coop door. I replied that is a pretty simple solution - a single GSM-connected device with a door actuator. I would love to explain how to build, program, and connect it to AWS, but I knew that he don’t really care about technical details. Then he replied: “I just need to remember to send an SMS to remotely open and close those doors every day.

How to reduce the telemetry ingest costs by 84%?

Overview Today I will present a sample approach to reduce the telemetry ingest costs by 84%. We will achieve that by properly designing the AWS infrastructure. I will also help you understand the output of the AWS Pricing Calculator and AWS infrastructure cost factors. Sample scenario Sample scenario We have 100 devices constantly connected to the AWS IoT Core. A single device sends 10 KB of telemetry data every 5 seconds.

IoT is a Value-Added Service (VAS)

The Internet of Things is a Value-Added Service (VAS), not an independent service. Recently I heard people saying that IoT is not an industry. Some generic IoT Platforms were discontinued. In my opinion, IoT is not diminishing, it is evolving. And I am not talking about the technology itself, but about our attitude toward it. The Internet of Things is not the final product or service. No one needs a connected “box” in their home, we need “washing machines”.