I am Lukasz Malinowski, the Internet of Things Advisor and Trainer.
I believe in quality.
I do not support "fake it before you make it".
I help companies design Internet of Things solutions and position them in the market.Mastodon

How relevant is talent in IT?

How relevant is talent in IT? very relevant somehow relevant not relevant Note: This is my personal opinion based on my personal experience. I am not very talented. As a kid, I had a hard time learning to read and write. When I tried to learn my first programming language, I was not able to understand the concept of variables. Over the years, I spent many hours learning some advanced programming ideas.

Which IoT resources should be managed by CDK?

Intro While working on the AWS IoT Greengrass training, I had the following thought: Which IoT resources should be managed by CDK? For educational purposes, I wanted to declare every single component required by Greengrass using CDK. I was aware that was not the best practice approach, but I wanted to present important concepts regarding Greengrass. In my previous post, I demonstrated how to create a Thing Group (natively not supported by CDK or CloudFormation).

How to create an IoT Thing Group using CDK?

How to create an IoT Thing Group using CDK? By default, we can not manage IoT Thing Groups using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). CDK deploys infrastructure using CloudFormation and CloudFormation does not support Thing Groups. Today I want to share an elegant solution for this challenge. CDK Constructor I propose to create a custom CDK Constructor. Constructor represents a specific resource and enables the management of the corresponding AWS infrastructure.

I am losing money! Customers are not using my IoT system as they are supposed to!

I am losing money! Customers are not using my IoT system as they are supposed to! LM: First of all - congratulations! Your system delivers value for users! Not every IoT deployment does. Owner: But customers are not using my IoT system as they are supposed to and I am losing money! LM: That is often the case when customers are interacting with the solution differently than estimated in the business case.

Increased usage of an IoT service would decrease your margin!

Increased usage of an IoT service would decrease your margin! In what scenario the above statement could be true? The only possible reason that comes to my mind is poor service design. Areas of the increased costs due to the poor service design include: extra staff required to manually onboard and manage IoT devices manually over-provisioned cloud infrastructure to meet increased demand extra developers hired for fixing backend bottlenecks (when increased infrastructure does not fix the poor design issues) the churn of customers due to poor service quality All of the above leads to increased expenses and decreased income.

IoT running costs

IoT device generates a running cost for the service provider. That fact is often overlooked by companies during PoC verification. In the long run, a connected device might cost more to operate than the income it generates for its provider. At a minimum, every connected device requires: connectivity to send telemetry data to a backend system processing capabilities of a backed system to analyze the telemetry data storage capabilities of a backend system to store data personnel to support customers and maintain backend infrastructure Depending on the specific service/product, the above cost factors may differ.