Note: I am available for speaking engagements. Please send a description of your event to lmtx@thingrex.com to agree on details.
I host a podcast about tech trends and topics related to the Internet of Things domain. I share my professional experience and invite guests to discuss various aspects of the IoT ecosystem - YouTube, Spotify, Apple Pocasts.
The Wireless Way - podcast interview
I had the pleasure of meeting with Chris (Wireless Whit) Whitaker during his podcast, The Wireless Way. We cover several interesting topics, starting from the IoT advisory role all the way to IoT platform development.
Podcast - link
IoT North - The role of an IoT Consultant - from the non-developer & developer perspectives
I participated in a webinar hosted by IoT North. I described the role of an IoT Consultant and shared my experience regarding common mistakes made by developers entering consultancy positions. Anyone interested in the Internet of Things will find this recording worthwhile.
Event page - link
Video - link
Slides - pdf
IoT Alliance - IoT Collaboration and Customization webinar
I presented during the IoT Alliance webinar. My talk explained the role of IoT as an enabler rather than the business goal. That is a crucial topic, as IoT engagements often fail due to the inadequate mindset of the project team, not because of technical challenges.
AWS User Group Warsaw - Meetup 27.06.2023
Speaking about IoT at AWS User Group meetings is always a pleasure. The Internet of Things offering by AWS is a niche specialization not that popular in the community. I make constant efforts to increase awareness and educate on this topic.
Meetup page - link
IoT North - Roundtable discussion
I participated in the roundtable discussion during which we tried to answer the following question: What are customers looking for from IoT?
That was a very interesting meeting. You can find the recording on the event page.
Event page - link
AWS User Group Silesia 3/2023 meeting
During my presentation, I described the purpose of AWS IoT Greengrass components. I demonstrated the usage of sample components and explained the (not-so-obvious) dependencies they introduce.
Meetup page - link
AWS User Groups Wroclaw meeting
I presented an introduction to the Internet of Things domain during the AWS User Groups meeting in Wroclaw.
Meetup page - link
Post - link
4Developers conference
I presented challenges in the automated management of IoT infrastructure. Is there a way to integrate the management of connected devices, edge gateways, and the cloud? I tried to answer this question during my presentation.
4Developers site - link
Post - link
Warszawskie Dni Informatyki 2023 - VoD
I recorded a VoD for the Warsaw IT Days conference. In my video, I covered the general introduction to the Internet of Things and reviewed the AWS IoT Core service.
Conference site - link
Post - link
(R)EWOLUCJA PRZEMYSŁOWA online conference
I participated in the expert panel discussing Industrial IoT as a data source.
Conference site - link
CloudWeek online conference
I presented at the CloudWeek - Security Edition. I explained possible attack vectors against IoT devices, cloud backend, and everything in between. (video in Polish)
AWS Pop-up Hub Warsaw
I lead an expert-level, deep dive session about the AWS IoT Greengrass service. I explained how to effectively onboard and manage a huge number of connected Greengrass devices.
AWS Pop-up Hub site - link
Post - link
DataMass Summit
I explained how the nature of input data impacts the design of an IoT data pipe between the edge and the cloud.
DataMass site - link
Post - link
AWS User Group Poland - Silesia
I presented how to start with the IoT @ AWS in a secure way.
Meetup event - link
Post - link
Official AWS Twitch.tv stream
I explained the core components of IoT services at AWS Cloud on the official AWS Twitch channel.
Video - link
My Publications
“Internet of Things using AWS Cloud: part 1: Connectivity” book
My book “Internet of Things using AWS Cloud: part 1: Connectivity” is available on Amazon.com, and you can buy it directly from my web page.
You can read more about it on this page.
Embeddedjobs portal
Post describing how embedded developers could amplify their impact by leveraging cloud technologies.
Title - “Why should embedded developers care about the cloud?"
Article - link
Official AWS Blog
Post on the official AWS Blog. I described an automated solution for the rotation of X.509 certificates used by IoT devices.
Title - “How to manage IoT device certificate rotation using AWS IoT”
Article - link
Antyweb article
Article for popular Polish tech portal. I described the main security features of IoT systems.
Title - “How to connect a coffee machine to the Internet… and won’t get hacked?"
Article - link