I participated in countless meetings where no one dared to ask essential questions. Participants would ask vague, complex queries, pretending to understand the topic at hand. Others would respond in the same unclear way - yet another unproductive meeting leaving everyone involved more confused than enlightened.
What if someone dared to ask a simple question like:
- What do you mean by X?
- How does X bring us closer to Y?
- What do we expect when we reach the Y?
These deceptively straightforward inquiries require a deep understanding of the discussed subject. They demand clarity and precision. Finally, they force everyone in the room to confront the core of the issue.
Precise questions demand actions or decisions. They call for accountability and expose evasion.
These “simple” questions are anything but foolish. They are essential to productive conversations, unlocking progress, and removing confusion. They take courage to ask as the questioner admits a lack of knowledge, but they also reveal a genuine commitment to clarity and achieving goals.
In a world where complexity is often mistaken for intelligence and uncertainty is perceived as weakness, it’s time to reevaluate our approach to questioning. The power of a simple question is profound, and the impact it can have on a meeting, a project, or an organization is immeasurable. So, the next time you ponder whether to ask that “stupid” question, remember that it might be the most intelligent thing you could do, and the right people will notice your courage.